Sedation Dentistry FAQ

Woman sleeping

When researching sedation dentistry in Winter Park, ask the following:

Q: Are you certified to provide sedation dentistry?

Dr. Hodgins is a certified sedation dentist.

Q: What types of sedation do you perform?

Dr. Hodgins is certified in IV Sedation at the Montefiore Hospital, New York, NY. IV sedation is his choice, and the safer sedation alternative.

Q: Where does the sedation take place?

Dr. Hodgins performs sedation dentistry in his Winter Park dental office.

Q: How will sedation dentistry keep me safe?

Dr. Hodgins and his assistant use the latest monitoring equipment, to watch your blood pressure, blood oxygen level and heart rate. If ever there is a problem during sedation, which is extremely rare, Dr. Hodgins has the training and equipment to reverse the sedation.

Q: Will I remember my Winter Park sedation dentistry visit?

You will very likely forget all or most of your visit. Your smile will reflect the quality care performed on your visit, without unpleasant memories of your treatment.

Our Location

1350 Orange Ave 106
Winter Park, FL 32789

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