How do I know If I need a root canal? – Orlando, Florida Emergency Dentist
You may have an infected tooth if you have the following symptoms: 1) Your tooth is hot or cold sensitive and lasts longer than 30 seconds after the hot or cold material is no longer contacting the tooth. 2) Your tooth hurts spontaneously. 3) You develop swelling around the affected tooth 4) Chewing on that tooth is uncomfortable. If you have any of these symptoms, I would recommend calling a dentist immediately. Usually if you have these symptoms, the affected tooth will require root canal treatment or an extraction (Oral Surgery). In most cases antibiotics will be used along with pain medication to alleviate any symptoms that may persist after treatment has been delivered. Many times these procedures can be performed under sedation. Dr. Zach Hodgins accepts new patients that are looking for toothache relief. Dr. Hodgins practices dentistry in Winter Park, Florida. Call 407.647.1744 to schedule an appointment for relief from your toothache.